Sahafa Med

Visiting French newsrooms

On the day before the 17th edition of the Assises de Journalisme in Tours, some twenty journalists from southern Mediterranean countries visited the editorial rooms of Médiapart and France Médias Monde Those visits took place on Monday, March 25, 2024 as part of the Sahafa Med program, a Journalism & Citizenship program and supported by […]

Visiting French newsrooms Read More »

[Vidéos] Journalism et Media in the Arabe world : stories from 4 countries.

The Sahafa Med program invited 20 journalists from southern Mediterranean countries, some of them exiled in Europe, to the 17th edition of the Assises du journalisme in Tours, which took place from March 25 to 30, 2024. On this occasion, students from the EPJT (École publique de journalisme de Tours) conducted video interviews with four

[Vidéos] Journalism et Media in the Arabe world : stories from 4 countries. Read More »

For journalism to live in Gaza

Download PDF version We, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), meeting today, 16 February, on Journalism & Citizenship (J&C)’s initiative at the Arab World Institute in Paris for a day of dialogue between journalists from both shores of the Mediterranean,issue a solemn appeal to the international community to end the

For journalism to live in Gaza Read More »

Mabrouka Khedir, a Tunisian journalist with green-coloured glasses…

Invited to the Agora of Journalisme of Tours 2023 to present her new media COSMOS, Mabrouka Khédir, a Tunisian journalist, did not hesitate to present her project during a discussion session about media initiatives in the French-speaking countries. She also made an interview with Tours journalism school magazine and participated in the recording of the

Mabrouka Khedir, a Tunisian journalist with green-coloured glasses… Read More »

“Media support requests flexibility, long term support, and collaborations”

The Danish organization International Media Support is one of the leading players in support of media and independent journalism in the North Africa and Middle East region. Known as “IMS”, it supports journalists in the region for many years and has successfully contributed to the creation of a number of media initiatives in the region.

“Media support requests flexibility, long term support, and collaborations” Read More »

Podcast : Journalism and Media development challenges and perspectives in North-Africa and in the Middle-East

During the 16th edition of the Agora for Journalism in Tours, the Sahafa Med program brought together its national correspondents and journalists from Southern Mediterranean countries – some exiled in Europe. They recorded a discussion about the support programs and projects implemented by international actors for the benefit of journalists in Northern Africa and the

Podcast : Journalism and Media development challenges and perspectives in North-Africa and in the Middle-East Read More »

Covering migration & exile : how to address the topic in today’s media.

The 16th edition of the Agora for Journalism in Tours highlighted the topic of migration and how European media cover such a complex phenomenon. Four specialised journalists attended the panel to raise awareness on this divisive subject : Mariama Thiam, a journalist working in several African media, such as for Africa Check (Senegal), Sarah Frères,

Covering migration & exile : how to address the topic in today’s media. Read More »