Agora for


Agora for journalism 

. Highlights

Since 2018, the International Agora for Journalism in Tunis has brought together journalists from both sides of the Mediterranean, creating a unique forum to promote freedom of expression and the quality of information. Last year, nearly 800 information...

Tunis Archives

Categories Tunis & Brussels
Year Tunis
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Discover the full program of the Tunis Agora for Journalism


All the news about our Awards, their juries and the nominees.

Our Partners

How to join the Agora for journalism in Tunis

The Agora for Journalism in Tunis is held every other year at the Tunis Cultural Center.
in Tunisia. The Tunis Cultural Center is located in the heart of
Tunis, at the site of the former International Fair of Tunis on the
Mohammed V Avenue.

It is with infinite sadness that Journalisme & Citoyenneté is forced to suspend the organisation of the third edition of the Agora for Journalism in Tunis, scheduled for 23 to 25 November 2023 at the City of Culture. To make sure you don't miss out on any information relating to the conference, don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter.