Sahafa Med
Support journalists and independent media in Southern-Mediterranean region

* This project is implemented by Journalisme et Citoyenneté NGO and is supported by the European Union.
In 2018, Journalisme & Citoyenneté gathered more than 800 journalists from North-Africa, Sub-Saharian-Africa, Europe and from the Middle-East for the first International Journalism Conference in Tunis.
This success gave birth to the Sahafa Med program, supported by the European Union, which aims to support independent journalism in the countries of the southern Mediterranean. The word Sahafa in Arabic means “journalists” and Med is short for
This partnership with the European Union aims to promote the independence of the media and freedom of expression in the neighboring countries of the Mediterranean basin (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon).
Through Sahafa Med, Journalism & Citizenship facilitates dialogue with all the stakeholders mobilized to provide quality information : media, journalists, authorities, donors, media development
The Program
This program includes various events and activities:
– The International Journalism Agora in Tunis (2nd edition in 2022 and 3rd edition in 2023)
– The Journalism agora in Tours
– The Journalism agora in Brussels
– National consultations and meetings organized with journalists and stakeholders from different countries in the region
– Meetings and working sessions with donors and organizations that act in favor of journalists and independent media in the South of the Mediterranean
A network of Sahafa Med national correspondents -one for each country-, journalists and media experts, has also been set up to monitor the development of media and journalism.
Through these events and these activities, Safaha Med aims to identify the concrete needs and challenges of journalists in southern-Mediterranean countries and to encourage dialogue and direct exchanges between journalists on one hand and donors media development funds and organizations on the other hand.
This work will give rise to the release in 2023 of a study on the needs of journalists and the media in the countries of the Southern Mediterranean. This document will include ways to promote a match between their needs and the support programs and initiatives aimed at them. An updated version of this study will be produced in 2024 in order to be available in early 2025.
Sahafa Med benefits from the support of the European Union, DG NEAR, Unit B2
For more information about Sahafa Med: [email protected]