EUROPEAN AGORA : 10 European newsrooms facing A.I

Date of event : 21 November
Timetable : 14:00
Location : Agora Room

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm – An afternoon of information & experience sharing to dabate of the use of A.I. within European newsrooms, and to express or reiterate the expectations and priorities of the journalistic field. Journalists. Editors. Media literacy professionals.

3 sessions of 60 minutes each, moderated by a member of the European Agora Correspondent’s Network. Questions to be addressed :

The European Agora for Journalism is a place where media organizations can start networking to work in partnerships and collaborate to address the challenges posed by a specific issue. Here, it is AI-generated content. Individual organizations may not have the necessary resources to tackle these issues effectively; with this session, the European Agora for Journalism has the ambition to start structured and frank practitioner conversations, focusing on the learnings & sharings from experiments in using AI among newsrooms.

  • Appropriating A.I. or fighting it: what ethics?
  • What need for regulation at an EU level?
  • What is the added value of journalism, and how can it be promoted?

The schedule for this session will be announced in the coming weeks.

Program Brussels