NGOJournalism & Citizenship (J&C)

Who we are

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Since 2006, Journalisme & Citoyenneté (J&C), has gathered more than 30 000 journalists, media literacy experts and members of the civil society members in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with the ambition to foster a dialogue between them to improve the information process, from its production to its reception.

In order to do this, J&C has created International Agoras for Journalism (@LesAssises) in Tours (since 2006, for the French speaking community #AJTours), in Tunis (since 2018 – #AJTunis) and in Brussels (since 2022 – #AJBrussels).

Our mission is to promote best practices in journalism and media literacy and create a global discussion with the civil society to better define the conditions for quality information, journalism and value their relevance and responsibility in the public debate. What we do each year: > Organize about 100 debates, workshops and trainings : Free and open to all, these sessions allow journalists, members of the civil society and media development stakeholders to discuss journalistic practices, the role and relevance of journalism and the media in our democratic societies, as well as identify citizens’ information needs. In 2022, the European Journalism Forum will be launched, in partnership with the IHECS, to bring together European professionals to reflect on the conditions for quality journalism in Europe.

> Develop tools to better identify the expectations of civil society when it comes to information, such as the publication of our Annual barometer on the relevance and responsibility of journalism in France and a French Journalism Hall of Fame (“Pantheon”), the needs assessment of the Sahafa Med project and the creation of the underprivileged media directory (“Vu des quartiers”). > Promote media literacy for all through partnerships with civil society organizations and educational institutions, to fight against misinformation and gather all media literacy stakeholders at an international level.

> Support new initiatives with the Agoras’ awards for journalism and media literacy.

The International Agoras for Journalism are backed by all the stakeholders in the profession, respecting everyone’s freedom.

The International Agoras for Journalism are a space for dialogue, discussions and reflections on journalism and its practice, independently of any supervision.
They are free and open to all (journalists and publishers, students and teachers, researchers, citizens…).

To ensure its independence, J&C carefully makes sure that all contributions are consistent with its mission and values.
J&C is registered under the French 1901 NGO law. . .

How we work

Originally located in Paris, J&C is now based in La Rochelle (French west coast). The team is working from different places in France.

Our Executive Board


Jérôme Bouvier


Marie-Laure Augry

Vice President

Marc Mente

Vice President

Frédéric Carbonne


Our team


Eva Renaux-Rubio

Project Manager

Marie Jansen

Media Information & Literacy (MIL) program
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Mariana Rantissi

SahafaMED Project Manager

Clothilde Le Coz

International Development

Our Advisory Board


The 3rd edition of the Mediterranean Agora For Journalisme – Marseille will be held on 28, 29 and 30 April 2025 in Marseille (France), Journalisme…

bruxelles 2022
Galleries, Other

The 2nd edition of the European Agora for Journalism in Brussels (#AJBrussels) was held from 20 to 22 November at the IHECS, on the topic…


Join us for this talk on November 20, 2024 at Espace Magh in Brussels to open the 2nd edition of the European Agora for Journalism….


After the success of the 1st edition in 2022, Journalisme & Citoyenneté and IHECS are pleased to announce the second edition of the Assises Européennes…


A.I., the media, Europe and me: European journalism and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence This is the theme of the 2nd edition of the European…


On the day before the 17th edition of the Assises de Journalisme in Tours, some twenty journalists from southern Mediterranean countries visited the editorial rooms…


In partnership with Radio Campus, two podcasts were recorded with several journalists in exile in Europe, on the occasion of the 17th edition of the…


The Sahafa Med program invited 20 journalists from southern Mediterranean countries, some of them exiled in Europe, to the 17th edition of the Assises du…



À vous de Voter

Afin d’honorer les photographes de presse et leur travail quotidien au service de l’information de qualité, l’association Journalisme & Citoyenneté -organisatrice des Assises du journalisme de Tours, Tunis et Bruxelles- crée le Prix du public de la photo de presse….

Registration for the second edition of Assises de Bruxelles is now open!

"Artificial intelligence, the media, Europe and me" November 20-22, 2024